Saturday, September 12, 2015

Flamenco Quote of the Day

"When my oldest brother was a little boy, he fell and landed on his nose and squashed it flat. So we called him Mono, Monkey, because of his squashed flat nose. Is this cruel to call a little boy whose face has been smashed, Monkey? If your spine is a little crooked, you were called 'Joroba,' or Hunchback. If your face was a little round, your cheeks a little puffy, your lips a little small, you were El Guarrito, Piglet. If your voice was high and squeaky, you were El Capon. If you liked sex in the wrong place, you were called La Peste, The Stink...Is that cruel? No. For a Gypsy, a gitano, a cale, the only insult is not giving someone a nickname because then they don't belong, and for a Gypsy, not to belong to the tribe is to stop existing."

Sarah Bird from the novel "The Flamenco Academy"

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